Ola Lending
SpiritSwaps lending network is brought to you by Ola Finance.
What is a lending network?
A lending network is a platform that allows users to deposit tokens and utilize them as collateral for borrowing other tokens.
Quite simply, when you lend tokens you get interest on them, while if you borrow, you pay interest on what you borrowed.
For more information, please review the Ola Gitbook.
SpiritSwap lending network
We see our lending network as an inherent part of SpiritSwap. By using our lending network, the Spirit community will be able to access new ways to make use of capital.
Our lending network currently support lending and borrowing for the following assets:
Further to the implementation of stable pools, thanks to our integration of a balancer style AMM, dormant liquidity in stable pools will now be used to feed the lending network as a form of capital efficiency. This means rewards from LP APR's can be used to offer better incentives on our lending network lending site, further optimizing cost opportunity on stable potions.
Lending network risks
By participating in any smart contract interaction, there is always the risk of a contract exploit taking place. As a user who utilizes our third party lending network, you acknowledge this risk. We recommend completing due diligence and fully understanding the intricacies of Ola's lending network before participating in its use. Link to Ola's GitBook: https://olafinance.gitbook.io/ola-finance/welcome-to-ola-finance/master