Verify Gauge Contract
How to verify a gauge contract which was created permission-less thru the UI?
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How to verify a gauge contract which was created permission-less thru the UI?
Last updated
1) Go to the Gauge you deployed on Ftm scan. I am taking an example of CRE8R-FTM Gauge here:
2) Click on 'Verify and Publish' . - Compiler Type: Solidity Single file - Compiler Version: v0.8.11 - License: MIT License
3) For the code, you can go to an existing verified Gauge, like this. Go to code tab and copy the 'Contract Source Code'.
6) Hit 'Verify and Publish'. Once processed you should see the successful verification message!
4) For Constructor arguments, you will need 4 addresses: a) SPIRIT addr: 0x5cc61a78f164885776aa610fb0fe1257df78e59b b) inSPIRIT addr: 0x2fbff41a9efaeae77538bd63f1ea489494acdc08 c) LP Token addr: <This will be for the LP you created the gauge for> d) Gauge Proxy addr: <either variable or stable gauge proxy based on type of the LP> Variable addr: 0xfe1C8A68351B52E391e10106BD3bf2d0759AFf4e Stable addr: 0xad29B1060Dded121F4596b09F13Fa44c9d62BB49 You will need to encode the parameters, you can do it over here: Put the first input as 4 addr in the following order: SPIRIT,inSPIRIT,LP_ADDR,GaugeProxy Second box will be 'address' 4 times selected. Should look like this -
5) Once encoded, copy the value without the 0x in-front of it. and put it on ftmscan verification step. Select 'Optimization' as Yes on top right. Put the encoded value in the box.