How to - Dashboard / Portfolio
Great, you have bridged assets, deployed an LP, are yield farming and you have taken a position with inSPIRIT. This section now covers our Dashboard & portfolio overview for position tracking.
Last updated
Great, you have bridged assets, deployed an LP, are yield farming and you have taken a position with inSPIRIT. This section now covers our Dashboard & portfolio overview for position tracking.
Last updated
Shows the current value of the portfolio in USD.
Shows the percentage change of the portfolio value.
Graph shows the portfolio value across the selected timeframe.
Click here to switch between bar and line graph.
Change the timeframe to hourly, daily etc.
Shows the quantity and current USD value of tokens.
Total value of all the tokens in USD, based on current market price.
Absolute and percentage change of the total value in the last 24 hours.
Bridge your token.
Swap your token.
Quantity and current USD value of LP tokens.
Quantity and current USD value of farming positions.
Total unclaimed farming rewards from active farms.
Total value of all the positions in USD, based on current market price.
Claim all rewards.
Add liquidity.