How to - Yield Farming
Added liquidity ? Great! This section contains helpful infographics on how to deposit your freshly minted LP tokens into our yield farms so you can maximize your rewards!
Last updated
Added liquidity ? Great! This section contains helpful infographics on how to deposit your freshly minted LP tokens into our yield farms so you can maximize your rewards!
Last updated
The all farms will shows the users of list of farms available to be deposited into.
Make sure to have your intended LP tokens before depositing into any farms.
After approval, click on deposit to begin farming(staking) process.
A boosted farm has a variable APR depending on the quantity of inSPIRIT held.
Input the quantity of LP tokens to stake.
Number four on the graphics shows the way of getting the LP token via adding into liquidity.
Confirm deposit button will allow the LP to be deposited into the farms.
On your farms, you can see the personal APR for the farms (if its a boosted one).
Number two on the graphic shows the current boost factor and the quantity of inSPIRIT needed to increase it.
The quantity and current USD value of the LP token staked.
The claim function will allow users to claim the SPIRIT token earned for the farms.
Deposit allow users to stake more LP tokens.
Go to the Your Farms and select the farm to withdraw upon.
Clickin on withdraw will prompt a confirmation screen.
Input the quantity of LP tokens to withdraw.
Click confirm to proceed as usual.