🗝️How to - inSPIRIT
Amazing, your now a yield farmer on SpiritSwap. This section covers how to utilize the SPIRIT tokens you earn in order to SUPERCHARGE your rewards, read onto dive down the rabbit hole.
Last updated
Amazing, your now a yield farmer on SpiritSwap. This section covers how to utilize the SPIRIT tokens you earn in order to SUPERCHARGE your rewards, read onto dive down the rabbit hole.
Last updated
Generate via clicking the Generate inSPIRIT button.
Input the quantity of SPIRIT token wanted to be locked to generate inSPIRIT.
Locking period will dictate the how long will you lock SPIRIT token, longer lock will yield bigger inSPIRIT amount.
Shows the amount of inSPIRIT that will be received for the SPIRIT token locked.
Shows the unlocked date of which SPIRIT token can be claimed back.
Lock more SPIRIT token within the same locking period.
Input the additional quantity of SPIRIT you want to lock up.
Shows the amount of inSPIRIT received for the additional lock up of SPIRIT token.
Shows the current date on which locked SPIRIT are unlocked.
Extend the lock period.
Select the additional duration to extend locking period.
Shows the amount of inSPIRIT received for extending.
Shows the new date SPIRIT token will be unlocked.
Current quantity of inSPIRIT held.
Quantity of SPIRIT that is locked up.
Countdown timer to the next distribution block.
Shows the claimable SPIRIT rewards and bribe & vote rewards.
Button to claim all the weekly SPIRIT payout rewards.
Pie chart showing the global voting of each farm in %.
Shows the rewards per 10k inSPIRIT used for bribing the farms.
Add new bribe to a farm.
Show only the farm that you are farming.
Show only the farm offering bribes.
Allocate your votes across the farms, the higher the %, the greater the weekly emission of the farm.
Clear all the votes.
Lock in your weekly vote delegation.
Click on the bars to bring up the monthly statistics.
Shows the average lockip duration for SPIRIT token.
Shows the total APR for inSPIRIT distributions.
Shows the SPIRIT received for every inSPIRIT locked.
Shows the next date to claim the weekly reward.