SpiritSwap V2 introduction
An overview of the Spirit the lies within.
SpiritSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Fantom Opera Chain. SpiritSwap's design was originally based on the Uniswap constant-product automated market maker (AMM). With the launch of our V2 model, we have stepped away from the original Uniswap "look and feel" and redesigned the entire code base from scratch, a unique experience we decided to deliver to the Fantom community. Our unique selling point stems from the fact that we have taken the best bits of defi and curated these products and functions into a mega hub of all things DeFi. In an AMM, liquidity providers simply deposit a pair of tokens and an algorithm automatically makes markets for the token pair. Traders can easily swap between tokens in the AMM and get guaranteed rates for the swaps. Each swap on SpiritSwap incurs a fee, which gets distributed between partnership protocols, liquidity providers and inSPIRIT holders.
Our SPIRITv2AMM currently curates two AMM types.
vAMM (variable AMM): where a 50/50 match of tokens are combined, using the X*Y=K formula for swaps.
sAMM: Using stable math to offer support for liquidity pairs that require direct 1:1 pegs with one and other. Our current sAMM is an adapted and improved model of the solidly model.
In the near future our V2 AMM will expand and cover 4 AMM subtypes, with the intention to offer support for : 1. Weighted pools using weighted math and allowing support for liquidity bundles 2. Linear stable pools, enabling further capital efficiency of stable pairs.
By combining core defi solutions such as Yield Farming, Liquidity provision, Lending and Borrowing, Stable Swaps, Cross chain bridging, veTokennomics, Protocol rewards, Leverage Trading, Limit orders and combining them into one mega hub is what makes our community believe that SpiritSwap is a one stop shop for all things DeFi 2.0.
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