Adding Liquidity To An Existing Pool
How to easily add liquidity on SilverSwap
Last updated
How to easily add liquidity on SilverSwap
Last updated
The first step in providing liquidity on SpiritSwap is to go to the SilverSwap Dapp. From there, you will click the 'liquidity' Button on the top ribbon of the page:
Once you are on the Liquidity Manager Page, Select the 'Create position' button middle-left of the liquidity manager page:
Once on the page to add concentrated liquidity, ensure to select the tokens you are wanting to provide liquidity for. Please note: if you are adding $S as one of the two tokens in the pair, make sure to use $WS, as all pooled $S is pooled as $WS (You can wrap your $S via the 'Swap' tab at the top ribbon of the SilverSwap page). On the right half of the page you will see a visualization of the range (prices) you are wishing to provide liquidity to. If you are new to concentrated liquidity, please ensure to research carefully how to avoid impermanent loss, and to only provide a range that you are comfortable with given the risk that comes along with tighter ranges. The left half of the page displays the tokens, the amounts, and the values of those tokens that you are providing to the LP (Liquidity Pair). When you are ready to supply liquidity, hit the 'Add Liquidity' button. Please be aware that with Concentrated liquidity, not all pairing are 50/50, meaning token value proportions may not be evenly balanced:
Once you hit 'Add Liquidity' you will be prompted to review your position, see the final token amounts you are providing, and the percentage of the total existing pool that you will be supplying:
Once 'Confirm' is clicked, a pop-up will display for approving the tokens going into the pool and then minting your proof-of-provision NFT. After the approvals, you will be taken back to the Liquidity Management Page where the liquidity position can be selected and managed:
Once a LP is selected to manage, you will be able to see the current balance of your liquidity, any claimable rewards (a button will be at the right-side management page to claim rewards), see your current ranges, find the pool address, or remove liquidity entirely:
If your position goes out of range, a warning on the UI will be prominently displayed. It is important to understand that out of range positions do not earn fees from swaps, or in farms:
This is the core loop of providing Concentrated Liquidity on SilverSwap. Please always exercise caution when providing liquidity, and never provide more funds than you feel comfortably losing due to the inherent nature of impermanent loss.