Overview of $AG Token
$AG exists independently on each network that SilverSwap is deployed on. This is intentional as without this facet of design the market-resilient nature of the tokenomics would be less impactful.
Supply details:
Max supply (may very slight from one chain to another): 10,000,0000 $AG
Annual emissions: 1,000,000 $AG
Daily emission: 2739.7 $AG
Emission runway: 9 years
team allocation (including marketing/farms/etc): 5% of total supply
Fee management:
All DEX fees generated from swaps are converted to one of two tokens: $AG, or the wrapped network token. This means that all fees are creating a continual cycle of buy pressure on whichever token is selected for conversion. The SilverSwap team can switch which token fees are converted to at their discretion.
The tokens that are converted are then distributed as follows:
85% to Auctions
50% distributed to Snatch
50% distributed to Flare
12% to the SilverSwap team
3% to Giveaways
Last updated